New Feature
Resolution: Done
ZK 8.5.1 R1
For now, the way of Tree component ROD is to render initRodSize items and other dummy items to the table first, and when the users do scrolling it will re-render visible items and replace the old dummy items.
If there is a tree node which has 10,000 child nodes, the browser needs to append 50 real nodes and 9,950 dummy nodes when this node is opened. Some browsers, like IE or Edge, the layout performance of large table is low because It needs to recalculate every <tr>, <td> style.
In fact, there is no need to render so many items at once. A better way is to render initRodSize items and some dummy items (not all), and when the users do scrolling it will append more dummy items. The widget controls the count of dummy items being rendered.
- relates to
ZK-3371 Tree performance on IE 11
- Closed
ZK-3946 JS error: treeitem client ROD with hidden children
- Closed
ZK-3976 Tree with treecol fails to open/close nodes
- Closed
ZK-4033 tree items cause JS error with radiogroup
- Closed
ZK-4853 Treeitems removed by ROD after receiving onOpen still try to render, cause issues if accessing DOM
- Closed
ZK-3928 tree item selection changes scroll position
- Closed
ZK-3936 Combobox size in tree
- Closed
ZK-4160 Tree _initPadSizes while not visible cause tree height to shink to 2 treeitems
- Closed
ZK-4646 make a treeitem invisible causes a javascript error
- Closed
ZK-4732 disable org.zkoss.zul.client.rod in the page scope doesn't work
- Closed
ZK-4733 a scroll thumb keeps moving itself during scrolling
- Closed
ZK-4730 While dragging a scroll thumb, a tree doesn't render treerows in time
- Closed
ZK-3978 tree rod open node performance
- Closed