New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Security Level: Jimmy
User Story
As a developer, I want to secure my application using CSRF tokens, or pass attributes to requests sent by the client to the server (zkau, wcs, wpd, rmDesktop, etc).
For example, spring security Synchronizer Token Pattern that requires sending a csrf token.
Acceptance Criteria
provide an easy-to-override function to pass arbitrary headers key+value pairs to any request sent by client-side
Ideally a function that would allow multiple overrides cumulatively (instead of last override erasing previous headers)
// header is either an empty object or collection, or pass the object or collection already holding existing headers if any (
zAu.getExtraHeaders(headers){ headers.put({myKey:'myvalue'}); return headers; }
- blocks
ZKSPRING-55 Support for Spring Security default CSFR /zkau error 403 access denied
- Open