New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
User Story
As an app dev, I want to use Spring Security default CSRF to secure my application's requests.
Acceptance Criteria
- provide a way to make ZK works with Spring Security CSRF without problems.
- If this feature we provide is very specific to spring, we should put this feature into zkspring, to fix ZKSPRING-55
- When using spring security with ZK, app devs have to disable CSRF currently like https://github.com/zkoss/zkspring/blob/master/zkspringessentials/zkspringcoresec/src/main/java/org/zkoss/zkspringessentials/config/SecurityConfig.java#L23 because au request doesn't contain this token and will be rejected by spring security filter. ZK should provide a way to work with this feature.
- relates to
ZK-4978 avoid sending sensitive data in url parameters
- Open
ZKSPRING-55 Support for Spring Security default CSFR /zkau error 403 access denied
- Open
ZK-5461 Provide easy-to-override headers functions to client-side request emmitors
- Open