Resolution: Fixed
Security Level: Jimmy
the attached example demostrates a NPE when using onPointClick events in combination with drilldown
2 sequences to create an NPE in this example:
1) click a category -> back (drill up) -> click same (or other) category again -> NPE
2) click a category -> click a sub category -> NPE
the NPE occurs when calling event.getPoint() in the event listener
in case one the event sent to the server indicate a problem on the client side when sending the event (might be a problem in highcharts or the ZK client side implementation)
dtid:z_nnz, cmd_0:onPlotClick, uuid_0:bU9Q1, data_0:{"sIndex":0,"pIndex":1,"category":1}
dtid:z_nnz, cmd_0:onPlotClick, uuid_0:bU9Q1, data_0:{"sIndex":1,"pIndex":1,"category":1}
in the second event the "sIndex" is incremented to 1 which leads to the NPE when retrieving the point from the event
- relates to
ZKCHARTS-69 drill down failed with an error IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Resolved