Resolution: Fixed
-, 5.0.10
Security Level: Jimmy
step 1: click on save button without entering any data (you should see errorbox message)
step 2: close errorbox1 and then errorbox2 (if you reverse the closing sequence then it will not cause this issue)
step 3: enter some text into first textbox
step 4: click on save again
Expected: errorbox for 2nd textbox is shown and first textbox validation pass and value is retained
Actual: errorbox for 2nd textbox is shown correctly but value of first textbox is reset. If you close 2nd
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <zk> <vlayout> <hlayout> <label value="First textbox"></label> <textbox id="periodValue"></textbox> </hlayout> <hlayout> <label value="Second textbox"></label> <textbox id="periodValue1"></textbox> </hlayout> <button id="b" label="save"> <attribute name="onClick"><![CDATA[ import java.util.ArrayList; import org.zkoss.lang.Strings; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.WrongValueException; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.WrongValuesException; ArrayList wve = new ArrayList(); if(Strings.isEmpty(periodValue.getValue())) { wve.add(new WrongValueException(periodValue, "Empty not allowed 1")); } if(Strings.isEmpty(periodValue1.getValue())) { wve.add(new WrongValueException(periodValue1, "Empty not allowed 2")); } if (wve.size() > 0) { WrongValueException[] wvea = new WrongValueException[wve.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < wve.size(); i++) { wvea[i] = (WrongValueException) wve.get(i); } throw new WrongValuesException(wvea); } ]]></attribute> </button> </vlayout> </zk>