New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
ZK 6 makes some assumptions about Themes that I would like to be able to override.
In org.zkoss.zkplus.theme.Themes
Would love to be able to override this method.
For example, I have a user database and my users must login - I could keep their preferred Theme in the database and retrieve it when necessary. However, since I cannot override the getCurrentTheme() method I cannot set the Theme without playing games with cookies.
Cookie set per application Context-Path -> I would like to set it on root path (i.e. '\')
Note also that the HTTP/HTML spec says that browsers must keep 'at least 20 cookies' per domain, with one cookie per application context plus other server cookies this 'at least' limit is not far away in my case.
Cookie Timeout set to 30 days -> would like longer
P.S. Related issue: http://tracker.zkoss.org/browse/ZK-225