Resolution: Fixed
Security Level: Jimmy
Steps to Reproduce
Run fiddle
Resize browser window enough for about 5 tabs to be visible
Use the scroll button (right) to scroll to the last item (tab16)
Select tab15
Resize the browser window slightly larger
Current Result
Scroll position is offset left by the size of the toolbar to the right of the scroll container
Scroll to the right is not possible
Expected Result
scroll position is maintained between resizes,
scroll to right is still possible if the position is not right-most
Debug Information
tabs.scrollLeft is reset by the _syncScroll function on tabbox (because the container is calculated without the toolbar to the right.
Tabbox state is still fully scrolled, when it's actually offset by the width of the toolbar.
<script><![CDATA[ //workaround zk.afterLoad("zul.tab", function () { var _xTabs = {}; zk.override(zul.tab.Tabs.prototype, _xTabs, { _scrollcheck: function(way, tb) { var result = _xTabs._scrollcheck.apply(this, arguments); if (!this.desktop || tabbox && (!tabbox.isRealVisible() || !tabbox.isTabscroll())) return; var tabbox = this.getTabbox(); var tabs = this.$n(), tbx = tabbox.$n(); if (!tabbox.isVertical() && !tabbox.inAccordionMold()){ sel = tabbox.getSelectedTab(), node = tb ? tb.$n() : sel ? sel.$n() : null, nodeOffsetLeft = node ? node.offsetLeft : 0, nodeOffsetWidth = node ? node.offsetWidth : 0, tabsOffsetWidth = tabs.offsetWidth, tabsScrollLeft = this._tabsScrollLeft; tabs.scrollLeft = tabsScrollLeft; } return result; } }); }); ]]></script>
- relates to
ZK-5433 tabbox doesn't scroll the selected tab into the current view when shrinking its width
- Closed