Steps to Reproduce
Run locally (not fiddle), using chrome debugger tools with sensors > touch (force enabled)
to emulate an hybrid device like a touchscreen laptop (touch + mouse)
With zkmax
make sure that zk.touchEnabled is "true" after loading
Click button
Current Result
grid loads initial items, then send onRender for all items in the grid
Expected Result
grids load items when user scrolls
Debug Information
caused by zul.mesh.Scrollbar.getScrollPosV from the grid-touch zkmax override.
The grid may have wgt_padsz == {}
as set by grid-rod.js $init override
This cause getScrollPosV to return NaN.
This causes grid#_onRender to have min and max == NaN
min = zul.mesh.Scrollbar.getScrollPosV(this), max = min + this.ebody.offsetHeight;
because of this, the following conditions are never met:
if (top + $row.offsetHeight() < min) continue; if (top > max) break; //Bug 1822517
which causes all of the grid rows to be processed and added to the items to render
<script><![CDATA[ zk.afterLoad("zul.mesh, zkmax", function () { zul.mesh.Scrollbar.getScrollPosV = function (wgt) { var ebody = wgt.ebody, ebodytbl = wgt.ebodytbl, scrollTop = jq(ebody).offset().top - jq(ebodytbl).offset().top; return (wgt._padsz && wgt._padsz['tpad']) ? scrollTop + wgt._padsz['tpad'] : scrollTop; }; }); ]]></script>