New Feature
Resolution: Done
Security Level: Jimmy
User Story
As an developer, I want to use in-zul <script src="/.../.../myscript.js/>" and <style="/.../.../mysheet.css"/>
using path such as
absolute path "http://server/context/myfile.js" (already supported)
context-relative path "/webapproot/resources/js/myfile.js" (not supported)
relative path "../myfolder/myfile.js"
or crw path "~./resource/js/myfile.js"
every path that are not absolute are sent to the client as relative to the website context
ex. /zkau/.../.../js/myfolder/myfile.js
Assuming that my ZK application is located at "https://myzkapp/" and my outer (embedding) application is located at "https://myouterapp", these URLs will be resolved relative to the outer app such as:
which will result in http 404 error since the files are located on the ZK server.
Acceptance Criteria
<script> and <style> components can resolve their content regardless of direct access or embedded access