Resolution: Unresolved
Steps to Reproduce
try the fiddle with ZK8.5.0~ZK9.5.0 (since 9.5.1 ZK-4888 have another behavior)
1.resize the first header column to very large or very small
2.click the button to change model
3.check the header table width and the columns width
Current Result
the header table width will change since column once been resized
columns width after refresh not equals to the first time load the page(original columns width)
Expected Result
Note: the current result might be the correct behavior, check if that is expected.
columns width after refresh equals to the first time load the page
try the zkfiddle case with ZK8.0.5 or before
Debug Information
Since we resized the column(onColSize), the _innerWidth will internally keep the headers width at the moment(ZK-3645).
_innerWidth will affect the rerender behavior even the model change
this might not a bug, but the behavior is different since ZK 8.5.0