New Feature
Resolution: Done
Security Level: Jimmy
User Story
- As a user, I want to see a popup moving upon scrolling, so that I don't see a popup of the original element when I scroll the element out of visible area.
- As a user, I want to see an error message attaching to its source input component, so that when I scroll in a scrollable area (or in a page), the error message will move alone with the source input component and doesn't keep at the fixed position.
Acceptance Criteria
First priority
Make this behavior as default because most users expect this behavior.
If we can minimize the cost of listening to onScroll event. For example, only listen to onScroll when a popup is open and remove the onScroll listener when closing a popup.
Second priority
If we can't achieve the first priority, then we can implement this one.
Application developer can specify data-scrollable on a div or any scrollable element. So the popup inside will move upon scrolling including <popup>, combobox popup, datebox popup, chosenbox popup, searchbox popup...etc.
- Currently, data-scrollable only supports container component like <window>.
- Bootstrap Popover can move inside a scrollable div by default