Steps to Reproduce
enter long text inside the boxes with hidden buttons
<vlayout> <combobox buttonVisible="false"/> <combobox /> <bandbox buttonVisible="false"/> <bandbox /> <datebox buttonVisible="false"/> <datebox /> <timebox buttonVisible="false"/> <timebox /> <spinner buttonVisible="false"/> <spinner /> <doublespinner buttonVisible="false"/> <doublespinner /> </vlayout>
Current Result
text input doesn't use the whole width of the widget
Expected Result
reduced smaller right-padding as in iceblue (non compact) when button is disabled
Debug Information
the compact styles override the right-padding and don't set the small padding for
.z-combobox-input-full: 8px;
.z-doublespinner-input {
padding-right: 8px;
- relates to
ZK-4668 Combo inputs paddings are incorrect in tablet
- Closed