New Feature
Resolution: Done
Security Level: Jimmy
Requirement Description
- Appearance is also important
From a user's point of view, they tend to use combobox as a dropdown because it looks prettier than other similar components like <listbox mold="select"> and <selectbox>. Currently, it looks similar to native OS style:
Combobox looks prettier and styled:
- Combobox is not a good dropdown
But combobox is actually a textbox with a popup. it's not made for selection. If a user enters a non-existed item, it will cause an exception.
proposed solution
According to https://www.filamentgroup.com/lab/select-css.html, now we can make <select> pretty and consistent across browsers. I propose to make <selectbox> prettier in order to be used by users.
Examples like: https://freefrontend.com/css-select-boxes/
- <listbox mold="select"> has the same issue, if we decide to proceed, please create another issue for it.