Resolution: Fixed
Security Level: Jimmy
ZK 9.0.1 S1
on excel you have cell with decimal value.
when choose cell and copy, on clipboard we have string like (with a line break)
so can't paste to Decimalbox, need trim before paste
a version before i can do it.
<script><![CDATA[ zk.afterLoad("zul.inp", function () { var _xInputWidget = {}; zk.override(zul.inp.InputWidget.prototype, _xInputWidget, { _shallIgnore: function (evt, keys) { if (evt.keyCode || evt.charCode) { // ZK-1736 add metakey on mac if (zk.mac && evt.metaKey) return; else { var code = (zk.ie < 11 || zk.opera) ? evt.keyCode : evt.charCode; if (!evt.altKey && !evt.ctrlKey && _keyIgnorable(code) && keys.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(code)) < 0) { evt.stop(); return true; } } } else { var orgEvtText = evt.domEvent.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text'), text = (orgEvtText) ? orgEvtText : window.clipboardData.getData('text'), text = text.trim(); keys = keys.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&'); var regKey = '^[' + keys + ']+$'; if (!new RegExp(regKey).test(text)) { evt.stop(); return true; } } }, _updateValue: function (pasteEvent) { //Support maxlength for Textarea if (this.isMultiline()) { var maxlen = this._maxlength; if (maxlen > 0) { var inp = this.getInputNode(), clipboardEvent = pasteEvent ? pasteEvent.domEvent.originalEvent : null, val = clipboardEvent ? clipboardEvent.clipboardData.getData('text') : inp.value; val = val.trim(); if (val != this._defRawVal && val.length > maxlen) { inp.value = val.substring(0, maxlen); if (pasteEvent) pasteEvent.stop(); } } } this._startOnChanging(); } }); }); ]]></script>
- relates to
ZK-3838 users can paste non-digital characters into a intbox
- Closed