Resolution: Fixed
Security Level: Jimmy
ZK 8.5.1 S1
Steps to Reproduce
Run fiddle
Open bandbox popup
Current Result
The onRestore zWatch event cause Ckeditor to redraw
Expected Result
Ckeditor shouldn't redraw
Debug Info
onRestore called by animation js:
Root Cause
following ZK 3695
<script> zk.afterLoad('zk', function() { console.log('afterload zk'); var _aftAnims = [], //used zk.afterAnimate _jqstop = jq.fx.stop; jq.fx.stop = function () { _jqstop(); for (var fn; fn = _aftAnims.shift();) fn(); }; function _addAnique(id, data) { var ary = zk._anique[id]; if (!ary) ary = zk._anique[id] = []; ary.push(data); } function _doAnique(id) { var ary = zk._anique[id]; if (ary) { var al = ary.length; while (al) { var data = ary.shift(); if (jq(data.el).is(':animated')) { ary.unshift(data); break; } zk(data.el)[data.anima](data.wgt, data.opts); al--; } if (!al) delete zk._anique[id]; } } function _saveProp(self, set) { var ele = self.jq; for (var i = set.length; i--;) if (set[i] !== null) ele.data('zk.cache.' + set[i], ele[0].style[set[i]]); return self; } function _restoreProp(self, set) { var ele = self.jq; for (var i = set.length; i--;) if (set[i] !== null) ele.css(set[i], ele.data('zk.cache.' + set[i])); return self; } function _checkAnimated(self, wgt, opts, anima) { if (self.jq.is(':animated')) { _addAnique(wgt.uuid, {el: self.jq[0], wgt: wgt, opts: opts, anima: anima}); return true; } return false; } function _checkPosition(self, css) { var pos = self.jq.css('position'); if (!pos || pos == 'static') css.position = 'relative'; return self; } var _xDZjq = {}; zk.override(zjq.prototype, _xDZjq, { defaultAnimaOpts: function (wgt, opts, prop, visible) { var self = this; jq.timers.push(function () { if (!visible) zWatch.fireDown('onHide', wgt); if (opts.beforeAnima) opts.beforeAnima.call(wgt, self); }); var aftfn = opts.afterAnima; opts.afterAnima = function () { self._removeWrapper(self.jq); if (prop) _restoreProp(self, prop); if (visible) { /* * fixed a bug of the finished animation for IE * refix for ZK-568: Open combobox then select last item. reopen combobox then you should see selected item without scroll */ var zkie = zk.ie; if (zkie || zk.edge || zk.safari) { // refine ZK-3695: fire down onRestore after the wrapper was removed zWatch.fireDown('onRestore', wgt); if (zkie == 8 || zkie == 10) zk(self.jq[0]).redoCSS(); } zUtl.fireShown(wgt); } else { self.jq.hide(); } if (aftfn) aftfn.call(wgt, self.jq.context); wgt.afterAnima_(visible); setTimeout(function () { _doAnique(wgt.uuid); }); }; return this; } }); }); </script>