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  1. ZK
  2. ZK-327

Tabbox can auto grow size when select a larger size tabpanel (reopen)


    • None

      The bug is caused by this test case zktest/test2/F50-3000873.zul

      In this case, you should see the "bottom east" and "bottom west" under the bottom of the tabbox. Otherwise, it is a bug.

      For example,

      <window id="tabView" title="Case 2" closable="true" hflex="min" width="500px">
      <borderlayout hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <north hflex="min" vflex="min">

      <tabbox hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <tab label="Tab One"/>
      <tab id="tab2" label="Tab Two"/>

      <tabpanels hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <tabpanel hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <grid hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <column hflex="min"/>
      <column hflex="min"/>
      <label value="Top East"/>
      <textbox />

      <tabpanel hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <borderlayout hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <west hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <grid hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <column hflex="min"/>
      <column hflex="min"/>
      <label value="File:"/>
      <textbox width="98%"/>
      <label value="Type:"/>
      <listbox rows="1" mold="select">
      <listitem label="Java Files,(*.java)"/>
      <listitem label="All Files,(.)"/>
      <button label="Browse..."/>
      <label value="Options:"/>
      <textbox rows="3" hflex="min" vflex="min"/>
      <east hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <grid hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <column hflex="min"/>
      <column hflex="min"/>
      <label value="Top East"/>
      <textbox />


      <center hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <borderlayout hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <west hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <grid hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <column hflex="min"/>
      <column hflex="min"/>
      <label value="Bottom West"/>
      <textbox />
      <east hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <grid hflex="min" vflex="min">
      <column hflex="min"/>
      <column hflex="min"/>
      <label value="Bottom East"/>
      <textbox />

            SimonPai SimonPai
            jumperchen jumperchen
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