When a modal window 1st control does not have a tabindex by default, background controls can be focused when using tab to navigate between controls.(any control rendered with <span> or <a> elements such as toolbar buttons).
Reproduced with
<zk> <style> .z-toolbarbutton:focus, .z-button:focus, .z-toolbar:focus { background-color: yellow; border: 1px red solid; } </style> <button></button> <button></button> <window mode="modal"> <toolbar> <toolbarbutton label="toolbarbutton"></toolbarbutton> <!-- <toolbarbutton xmlns:w="client" w:onBind="this.$n().tabIndex = 0" label="toolbarbutton"></toolbarbutton> --> </toolbar> <button></button> <button></button> <button></button> </window> </zk>
replace the toolbarbutton by the commented line (toolbar button with a tabindex value), and the modal window is able to keep the focus.