Resolution: Fixed
8.0.0, 7.0.7
Security Level: Jimmy
ZK 8.0.2 S1
When assigning a tabindex to a component / widget, if the associated dom tree element does not have a tabindex property yet, tabindex will only be set if the new value is !=0
for example :
<button tabindex="0"></button> <button tabindex="1"></button>
result in:
<button type="button" id="c9JQ6" class="z-button"></button> <button type="button" id="c9JQ7" class="z-button" tabindex="1"></button>
This makes assigning a a tabindex of 0 difficult, but using for example:
xmlns:w="client" w:onBind="this._node.tabIndex = 0"
to bypass the 0 check.
tabindex=0 is the default value for most dom input element, but molds using non-input elements (<a>, <span>, <div>) do not have a default tabindex value.