Resolution: Fixed
Windows 7 , Mozilla Firefox 41
{{Modified methods setHeight/setVflex and setWidth/setHflex in version 8 are causing huge problems.
<?page title="Vflex/Height" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"?>
<window title="Vflex/Height" border="normal" width="300px" height="200px">
<window vflex="1" hflex="1" border="normal" sizable="true"
onSize='alert("height="self.height" vflex="+self.vflex); self.vflex=""'>
Shrink me vertically!
After resize is set height - and vflex as well!
I suggest to change the first lines in the following methods :
public void setHeight(String height) {
if (height != null && height.length() == 0)
height = null;
if (height != null && getVflex() != null && !getVflex().equals("min"))
public void setWidth(String width) {
if (width != null && width.length() == 0)
width = null;
if (width != null && getHflex() != null && !getHflex().equals("min")) { throw new UiException("Not allowed to set hflex and width at the same time except hflex=\"min\""); }
public void setVflex(String flex) {
if (flex != null && flex.length() == 0)
flex = null;
if (flex != null && getHeight() != null && !"min".equals(flex)) { throw new UiException("Not allowed to set vflex and height at the same time except vflex="min""); }
public void setHflex(String flex) {
if (flex != null && flex.length() == 0)
flex = null;
if (flex != null && getWidth() != null && !"min".equals(flex))