Resolution: Fixed
6.5.5, 7.0.1
Security Level: Jimmy
1.) enable multiple portlets on a portal page by storing the resourceURL per desktop unlike now it is stored globally in zk.portlet2AjaxURI
2.) use portlet namespace for resource request params, also store per desktip
a possible structure could look like this (used in the attached example)
zk.portlet2Data = { "z_bry":{ "resourceURL":"http://localhost:8080/web/guest/spring?p_p_id=helloWorld_WAR_spring_mvc_por...e=view&p_p_cacheability=cacheLevelPage&p_p_col_id=column-1&p_p_col_count=1", "namespace":"_helloWorld_WAR_spring_mvc_portlet10_INSTANCE_gAkJD5eMKvll_" }, "z_cry":{ "resourceURL":"http://localhost:8080/web/guest/spring?p_p_id=helloWorld_WAR_spring_mvc_por...e=view&p_p_cacheability=cacheLevelPage&p_p_col_id=column-3&p_p_col_count=1", "namespace":"_helloWorld_WAR_spring_mvc_portlet10_INSTANCE_ZNyIUurtL3yu_" } }"
HtmlPageRenders currently outputs "zk.portlet2AjaxURI" there
also the zAu.encode and zAu.sendNow in au.js methods need to be adjusted to use the new desktop specific JS variables (see example WEB-INF/classes/web/js/zk)
(note: the example uses ZK JSP inside a Spring MVC Portlet, the bugs only came up trying to implement an integration for this special scenario, but I hope it would make the whole portlet 2.0 integration more standard conformant)