Resolution: Fixed
Windows XP SP3, Google Chrome 31.0.1650.57
The Combobutton does not reflect the enabled/disabled status after it has been created. By pressing the Toggle Status button in the code below you can see that while the Placeholder Toolbarbutton changes its look from enabled to disabled and vice versa, the Combobutton remains disabled. However it's dropdown menu works as expected.
<zk> <window vflex="true" border="normal"> <tabbox vflex="true"> <tabs> <tab label="Test"/> </tabs> <tabpanels> <tabpanel> <toolbar> <combobutton id="mycb" label="My" mold="toolbar" disabled="true"> <menupopup> <menuitem label="123"/> </menupopup> </combobutton> <toolbarbutton id="myph" label="Placeholder" disabled="true"/> <toolbarbutton label="Toggle Status" onClick='mycb.setDisabled(!mycb.isDisabled());myph.setDisabled(mycb.isDisabled());'/> <toolbarbutton label="Read Status" onClick='Clients.alert("Disabled: " + mycb.isDisabled().toString())'/> </toolbar> </tabpanel> </tabpanels> </tabbox> </window> </zk>