Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Google Chrome
I made simple ListBox with MVVM Java class and set the the parameter mold="paging" pageSize="10".
De model is simple java.util.List. The paging works well when I handle with paging toolkit on the top or bottom of the listbox.
But, if I want to change the page with keys and I selected a row, whose index from the bottom contains not on the next page, throws UiException from the code of org.zkoss.zul.Listbox.setSelectedIndex(Listbox.java:888)
The exception was thrown if the selected index from the bottom is greater than count of the lines of the next page.
For example:
1. Page - 10 rows
2. Page - 10 rows
3. Page - 2 rows
If the selected row in the 2. Page is the third row, the UiException is thrown.
If the selected row in the 2. Page is the first or the second row, the UiException is not thrown.