Resolution: Fixed
6.0.0, 5.0.11
Reproduce step :
1.drag the item out of the browser body.
It's cuasing by emulating the mouse event from touch event,
it's not firing mouse event after we drage out of the body in mouse event.
in domiso.js ,
function _createJQEvent (target, type, button, changedTouch, ofs) { //do not allow text try{ if (target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) target = target.parentNode;
When we try to emulate mouse event , the "document.elementFromPoint()" return a null
function _toMouseEvent(event, changedTouch) { switch (event.type) { case 'touchstart': return _createJQEvent(changedTouch.target, 'mousedown', 0, changedTouch); case 'touchend': return _createJQEvent( document.elementFromPoint( changedTouch.clientX, changedTouch.clientY), 'mouseup', 0, changedTouch); break; case 'touchmove': return _createJQEvent( document.elementFromPoint( changedTouch.clientX, changedTouch.clientY), 'mousemove', 0, changedTouch); break; } return event; }
Possible solution:
1. Refine the code in createJQEvent to check if target is null instead of calling undefined object.
2. not firing mousemove when the target is null ( more reasonable for me. )