Steps to Reproduce
- import keikai-812.xlsx
- check the merged cell, A3:A4
Current Result
Expected Result
Debug Information
- 5.6.0 doesn't have this bug
- text height is limited by max-height which is the row height
private String getMergedMaxHeightStyle(SCell cell, boolean hasMergedBorder) { //KEIKAI-812, vertical merged cell should have none max-height, not limited by its row height. Horizontal merged cell is already limited by it row height MergedRect rect = _mmHelper.getMergeRange(cell.getRowIndex(), cell.getColumnIndex()); if(rect != null) { return "max-height: none;"; } return ""; }
attach in the ticket
- relates to
KEIKAI-322 a wrap text with borders overflows to another cell
- Closed