Resolution: Fixed
Security Level: Jimmy
The 1st case: Steps to Reproduce
1. load the page
<tabbox height="100%" > <custom-attributes org.zkoss.zul.client.rod="true"/> <tabs> <tab label="1st"/> <tab label="spreadsheet"/> </tabs> <tabpanels> <tabpanel hflex="1" vflex="1"> first <button label="invalidate spreadsheet" onClick="ss.invalidate()"/> </tabpanel> <tabpanel vflex="1" hflex="1"> test <spreadsheet id="ss" hflex="1" vflex="1" src="/WEB-INF/books/blank.xlsx" /> </tabpanel> </tabpanels> </tabbox>
2. select 2nd tab to make spreadsheet rendered
3. select the 1st tab
4. click the button to invalidate spreadsheet
Current Result
1. js error
zss.wpd:35600 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'height')
at zss.wpd:35600:75
at doAfterMount (zk.wpd:26214:4)
at mtBL1 (zk.wpd:26167:3)
at mtBL0 (zk.wpd:26159:3)
at mtBL (zk.wpd:26124:3)
at doEnd (zk.wpd:25590:4)
at Function._zkf (zk.wpd:25630:4)
at zss.wpd:43456:13
at doEnd (zk.wpd:25590:4)
at Function._zkf (zk.wpd:25629:4)
2. the scrollbar doesn't work
Expected Result
1. no js error
2. scrollbar should work
Debug Information
1. In zss.ScrollPanel.$init(), self._scrollbar.axis.x.scrollbar.el.parentElement.getClientRects() returns an empty collection because self._scrollbar.axis.x.scrollbar.el.parentElement is invisible
2. If we can find a good way to initialize the scrollbar when keikai becomes visible, that's fine. If not, just leave it as low priority.
<custom-attributes org.zkoss.zul.client.rod="true"/>
The 2nd case: Steps to reproduce
1. load 14754.zul
check developer tool > Console
Current Result
the same error as the 1st case
Debug info
this is a special use case that keikai needs to render itself under its parent element is invisible
- keikai-573-0128.js
: get scrollbar parent element's height later after keikai is visible.
- relates to
KEIKAI-447 missing / cut off scrollbars in different browsers
- Closed