New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
Steps to Reproduce
1. import autofilter.xlsx
2. filter the first column AA with 1
Current Result
it doesn't work
Expected Result
only the row with 1 in the first column show, others are hidden
Debug Information
- check /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml
The range of auto filer is B2:E2<autoFilter ref="B2:E2" xr:uid="{00000000-0009-0000-0000-000002000000}"/>
That's the root cause that a filter doesn't work as expected.
- But the auto filter can work as expected in Excel. I assume Excel automatically detects and adjusts the filter range at some point.
- Keikai also determines the filtering range automatically when enabling the filter. Maybe keikai can also dynamically detect range at the proper timing to make auto filter work in such file. But how do we differentiate the case that a user really want to filter a smaller range?
1. select a cell in the table
2. disable the filter
3. enable it again.
4. save the file.
- relates to
KEIKAI-226 auto enlarge filtering range when enabling auto filter
- Closed