New Feature
Resolution: Done
Security Level: Jimmy
Steps to Reproduce
1. implement a ON_CLIPBOARD_PASTE listener like
@Listen(Events.ON_CLIPBOARD_PASTE +"= #ss") public void onClipboardPaste(ClipboardPasteEvent event){ System.out.println(event.getArea()); }
2. copy a 2x2 range from Excel, paste at A1
Current Result
it prints A1
Expected Result
Functional Requirements
1. Such event is fired after a paste is done at server-side which means calling Range::getCellValue() in such event listener returns the pasted value.
For example, if a user pastes myvalue at a blank cell, A1. Calling a1Range.getCellValue() in such event listener returns myvalue instead of empty string.
2. Such event provides the area changed by the paste action.
For example, if a user pastes a 2 * 2 range from Excel, click A1 and paste. The event should provide a methods that returns the range A1:B2.
- relates to
KEIKAI-40 Fire an event when ZSS completed client-side paste
- Closed
KEIKAI-418 keikai invokes onClipboardPaste listener twice unexpectedly
- Closed