New Feature
Resolution: Done
Security Level: Jimmy
Steps to Reproduce
<datebox format="dd.MM.yyyy" constraint="between 20000101 and 20100101"/> <datebox format="dd.MM.yyyy" constraint="before 20000101"/> <datebox format="dd.MM.yyyy" constraint="after 20000101"/>
type dates outside the ranges
Current Result
the constraint errors always use a the date format "yyyyMMdd"
The date range separator is always "~" (different locales require different separators)
Expected Result
use the configured date format and localize the separator or the whole message
e.g. the german separator should be 3 dots "..." or the unicode ellipsis character "…" (that's a single char)
Debug Info
this non localized behavior is also documented
Root Cause
/*Workaround to use the widgets date format in the constraint error message*/ zk.afterLoad('zul.inp', function() { var xSimpleDateConstraint = {}; zk.override(zul.inp.SimpleDateConstraint.prototype, xSimpleDateConstraint, { validate: function (wgt, val) { if (jq.type(val) == 'date') { var msg = this._errmsg; var v = new Date(val.getFullYear(), val.getMonth(), val.getDate()); if (this._beg != null && this._beg.getTime() > v.getTime()) return msg['between'] || msg['after'] || this.outOfRangeValue(wgt); if (this._end != null && this._end.getTime() < v.getTime()) return msg['between'] || msg['before'] || this.outOfRangeValue(wgt); } return this.$supers('validate', arguments); }, outOfRangeValue: function (wgt) { var format = wgt.getFormat() || this.format; return msgzul.OUT_OF_RANGE + ': ' + (this._beg != null ? this._end != null ? new zk.fmt.Calendar(null, this._localizedSymbols).formatDate(this._beg, format) + ' ... ' + new zk.fmt.Calendar().formatDate(this._end, format) : '>= ' + new zk.fmt.Calendar().formatDate(this._beg, format) : '<= ' + new zk.fmt.Calendar().formatDate(this._end, format)); } });//zk.override });//zk.afterLoad