Resolution: Fixed
Security Level: Jimmy
Steps to Reproduce
Run fiddle
See 'may' column
Current Result
colspan and rowspan defined at cell level are ignored when calculating childAttrs (such as visible) which cause a mismatch between the column and the content
row / header based colspan and rowspan are calculated, but are deprecated since 8.0.5
Expected Result
cell level collspan and rowspan should be used to increment the column index when calculating the content
Debug Info
Root Cause
for ZK 8.0.5
add calculation for zul.wgt.Cell based colspan and rowspan
<script><![CDATA[ zk.afterLoad('zul.grid', function() { var xRow = {}; zk.override(zul.grid.Row.prototype, xRow ,{ _childAttrs: function (child, index) { var realIndex = index, span = 1; //START WORKAROUND var child = this.firstChild; while(child && child.getChildIndex()<index){ if(child instanceof zul.wgt.Cell ){ realIndex += (child.getColspan()-1); } child = child.nextSibling; } var row = this.parent.firstChild; while(row.nextSibling && row != this){ child = row.firstChild; while(child && child.getChildIndex()<index){ if(child instanceof zul.wgt.Cell ){ if((child.getRowspan()-1)>=(this.getChildIndex()-row.getChildIndex())){ realIndex += 1; } } child = child.nextSibling; } row = row.nextSibling; } //END WORKAROUND if (this._spans) { for (var j = 0, k = this._spans.length; j < k; ++j) { if (j == index) { span = this._spans[j]; break; } realIndex += this._spans[j] - 1; } } var visible, hgh, align, valign, grid = this.getGrid(); if (grid) { var cols = grid.columns; if (cols) { if (realIndex < cols.nChildren) { var col = cols.getChildAt(realIndex); visible = col.isVisible() || (grid._model && !this._loaded) ? '' : 'display:none;'; hgh = col.getHeight(); align = col.getAlign(); valign = col.getValign(); } } } var style = this.domStyle_({visible: 1, width: 1, height: 1}), isDetail = zk.isLoaded('zkex.grid') && child.$instanceof(zkex.grid.Detail); if (isDetail) { var wd = child.getWidth(); if (wd) style += 'width:' + wd + ';'; } if (visible || hgh || align || valign) { style += visible; if (hgh) style += 'height:' + hgh + ';'; if (align) style += 'text-align:' + align + ';'; if (valign) style += 'vertical-align:' + valign + ';'; } var clx = isDetail ? child.$s('outer') : this.$s('inner'), attrs = ''; if (span !== 1) attrs += ' colspan="' + span + '"'; if (this._nowrap) attrs += ' nowrap="nowrap"'; if (style) attrs += ' style="' + style + '"'; return attrs + ' class="' + clx + '"'; } });//zk.override });//zk.afterLoad ]]></script>