Resolution: Fixed
Security Level: Jimmy
When the object to be proxied is null and its declared type is an interface, IncompatibleClassChangeError is thrown. It seems the declared type must always be a class which was not a requirement with ZK 7.
public interface Concept { public String getCode(); public String getDescription(); public Concept setCode(String code); public Concept setDescription(String description); } public class BasicConcept implements Concept { private String code; private String description; @Override public String getCode() { return code; } @Override public String getDescription() { return description; } @Override public Concept setCode(String code) { this.code = code; return this; } @Override public Concept setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; return this; } } public class ConceptOne extends BasicConcept { private String propertyOne; public String getPropertyOne() { return propertyOne; } public ConceptOne setPropertyOne(String propertyOne) { this.propertyOne = propertyOne; return this; } } public class ConceptTwo extends BasicConcept { private String propertyTwo; public String getPropertyTwo() { return propertyTwo; } public ConceptTwo setPropertyTwo(String propertyTwo) { this.propertyTwo = propertyTwo; return this; } } public class Test { private List<Concept> concepts; private Concept selected; @Command @NotifyChange("selected") public void doReset(@BindingParam("form") Concept form) { } @Command @NotifyChange("concepts") public void doSave(@BindingParam("form") Concept form) { } public List<Concept> getConcepts() { return concepts; } public Concept getSelected() { return selected; } @Init public void init() { concepts = new ArrayList<>(2); concepts.add(new ConceptOne().setPropertyOne("Property 1").setCode("1").setDescription("Concept 1")); concepts.add(new ConceptOne().setPropertyOne("Property 2").setCode("2").setDescription("Concept 2")); selected = null; } public void setSelected(Concept selected) { this.selected = selected; } }
<vlayout viewModel="@id('vm') @init('Test')"> <listbox height="100px" model="@load(vm.concepts)" selectedItem="@bind(vm.selected)"> <listhead> <listheader label="Code" /> <listheader label="Description" /> </listhead> <template name="model"> <listitem> <listcell label="${each.code}" /> <listcell label="${each.description}" /> </listitem> </template> </listbox> <hlayout form="@id('fx') @load(vm.selected) @save(vm.selected, before='doSave')"> <label value="Code" /> <textbox constraint="no empty" instant="true" maxlength="64" value="@bind(fx.code)" disabled="@load(empty vm.selected)" /> <label value="Description" /> <textbox constraint="no empty" instant="true" maxlength="1000" value="@bind(fx.description)" disabled="@load(empty vm.selected)" /> <button label="Reset" onClick="@command('doReset',form=fx)" disabled="@load(not fxStatus.dirty)" /> <button label="Save" onClick="@command('doSave',form=fx)" disabled="@load(not fxStatus.dirty)" /> </hlayout> </vlayout>