Problem Description:
The following scriptlet dumps the widget tree into a zul page. The resulting zul page can then be used to debug layout issues.
However, the resulting zul page does not capture all the relevant attributes of the components. Consequently, it might look differently from the original page where the dump is taken, making this debug approach difficult or impossible to identify the root cause.
javascript:void function(){if(zk)zk.load("zk.debug",function(){zDebug.dumpWidgetTree4Zul(zk.Desktop._dt.firstChild)})}();
Reproducing steps:
1. Open the sample page
2. Execute the scriptlet by entering it on browser's address bar
The dump generated is as follows.
<zk xmlns:h="native"> <!--<page style="width:100%;height:100%">--> <div> <textbox rows="1" type="text" maxlength="0"/> <textbox rows="1" type="text" maxlength="0"/> </div> <!--</page>--> </zk>
The sample page will hide the second textbox.
The dumped page will display the second textbox. <-- this is the bug
Reproducing sample:
<div> <textbox /> <textbox visible="false"/> </div>