Reproducible sample:
<zk> <label multiline="true"> 1. Select "option 1" in the selectbox. 2. Click "clear" button. 3. Open and close the selectbox should not see NullPotinerException showed. </label> <div> <selectbox id="selbox" onSelect='System.out.println(self.getSelectedIndex())' /> <button id="btn" label="clear" onClick="clear()" /> <zscript><![CDATA[ ListModelList lml = new ListModelList(); lml.add("option 1"); lml.add("option 2"); lml.add("option 3"); lml.add("option 4"); lml.add("option 5"); selbox.setModel(lml); void clear() { selbox.setModel(null); } ]]></zscript> </div> </zk>
- relates to
ZK-1992 Multiple selection component(listbox, chosenbox) support extra information for find out added item/removed item
- Closed