Resolution: Fixed
Step 1,click upload button and upload an image with name "untitle",
Step 2,click download to download the image,
Expected : the downloaded file name is "not wat i wan"
Actual : the downloaded file name is "untitlen"
this is my zul file
<window width="100%" apply="Test1Controller"> <button id="uploadBtn" label="Upload Image" upload="true,maxsize=300"></button> <button id="download" label="download"></button> </window>
this is my controller
public class Test1Controller extends GenericForwardComposer { protected Button uploadBtn; Media media; public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception { super.doAfterCompose(comp); uploadBtn.addEventListener(Events.ON_UPLOAD, new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(Event evt) throws InterruptedException, IOException { filehandler(((UploadEvent) evt).getMedia()); } }); } private void filehandler(final Media media) throws InterruptedException, IOException { this.media = media; } public void onClick$download() { Filedownload.save(media, "not wat i wan."); } }
- relates to
ZK-1619 Jsp trick to avoid IE 6/7/8 warning popup upon downloading fails to correctly set up the filename
- Closed