New Feature
Resolution: Done
Security Level: Jimmy
<zk> <window id="win_main" title="Hello Notification!!" border="normal" width="100%"> <vlayout spacing="2px"> 3° ISSUE: click OPEN WIN MODAL BUTTON to open modal Window; after opening the window, I would like to give user a message but as you can see the Notification (with duration and without duration) DISAPPEAR IMMEDIATELY!! For me this is this is a problem! <separator spacing="10px"/> <toolbarbutton label="open win modal"> <attribute name="onClick"> <![CDATA[ Window win = (Window) Executions.getCurrent().createComponents("win_modal2.zul", null, null); win.doModal(); ]]> </attribute> </toolbarbutton> </vlayout> </window> </zk>
<zk> <window id="win_modal" title="win modal!!" width="924px" height="568px" border="normal" closable="true"> <attribute name="onCreate"> <![CDATA[ Clients.showNotification("ok 1", Clients.NOTIFICATION_TYPE_INFO, win_modal, "top_right" ,-1); Clients.showNotification("ok 2", Clients.NOTIFICATION_TYPE_INFO, win_modal, "top_left" , 3000); ]]> </attribute> <checkbox label="check this"/> </window> </zk>
Expected: Notification stays as long as time duration specified or manually dismissed.
Actual: Notification disappears immediately after modal window is displayed.
Note: in Window doModal the focus switches to Window widget at the end that causes the Notification to be closed.