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All issues
- ZK-5864cannot load zk.debug
- KEIKAI-817Show chart name when clicking a chart
- KEIKAI-816Show chart name when clicking a chart
- KEIKAI-815Show chart name when clicking a chart
- ZK-5862after a multipart request failed, zk still keeps sending uploadInfo
- ZK-5861Select a date in December causes an invalid result under locale pt
- KEIKAI-811JS error when doing collaboration with user label setting
- KEIKAI-810ArgumentsEvaluator.evaluateDatesArg uses relative cell position, should use absolute
- KEIKAI-809Toggle display gridline does not work in toolbar
- KEIKAI-808an empty cell with the type specified fails the importing
- KEIKAI-8071 series line chart becomes 3 series chart after exporting
- ZK-5849Changing a VM class and shadow element template causes the old expression to be used on the new class
- KEIKAI-805Inconsistent output with unsupported arrays formulas
- KEIKAI-804Unable to add toolbar button with icon class
- KEIKAI-802open format dialog produces a js error: Uncaught Handle required for [object Object]
- ZK-5824separate fragment widget into an independent library or another jar
- KEIKAI-791upgrade zkchart for zk 10
- ZK-5817failed to load a javascript file via lang-addon.xml in Liferay
- KEIKAI-790Support add event listener for specific range value result changes
- KEIKAI-789exporting a sheet unhide hidden rows
- ZK-5812Listgroupfoot should not be able to check/selected
- ZK-5811Client MVVM: Event wrapping in Client MVVM
- ZK-5810Client MVVM: XEL Methods in include
- ZK-5808liferay cannot install zjavassist.osgi.jar
- KEIKAI-786Search by text in Spreadsheet
- KEIKAI-785Editbox alignment is not correct
- KEIKAI-784Crossing another sheet reference with different visible range won't work after finish editing
- ZK-5804an event listener on an xhtml component doesn't work
- KEIKAI-783Merged cell with hidden left-top cell makes text disappear
- ZK-5801Client MVVM: switching apply template causing javascript error
- ZK-5799Javascript error when using Pdfviewer in Client MVVM
- ZK-5798Client MVVM: Content missing in Include
- ZK-5797Client MVVM Children binding shall ignore null value
- ZK-5796Client MVVM shall support resource directory
- KEIKAI-782fix org.jsoup:jsoup@1.15.1 vulnerabilities
- KEIKAI-781Cell rendering issue by canvas
- KEIKAI-780Selection block lines rendering and header resizing issue
- KEIKAI-779Cell Text status should be sync with toolbar and doing editing
- KEIKAI-778Rendering of Autofilter buttons are incorrect when switching sheets
- ZK-5778Automatically change input method when focusing specific input
- KEIKAI-771Copy area did not show when press Ctrl-C
- KEIKAI-770A Formula with DATEDIF function calculated to incorrect value
- ZK-5776ETag and If-None-Match headers processing
- ZKCHARTS-157Update Highcharts version
- KEIKAI-769cell content cut off at page boundary when exporting to a PDF
- KEIKAI-766Able to mount ZK components to a range position
- KEIKAI-765a text is shifted unexpectedly
- KEIKAI-764scroll down a sheet, a chart should not move down accordingly
- KEIKAI-763a text is partially cut off
- KEIKAI-762a text is missing
1 of 4845
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